Robert C. Herold II


M.A. Boise State University, Political Science, 2020-2022

Thesis Topic: “Arguing for the Philosophy of Political Science”

Supervisor: Dr. Stuart Gardner

This thesis project set out to present an argument for the creation of a new sub field of philosophy of social science that would investigate political science that could be simply called, the philosophy of political science. 

B.S. Boise State University, Political Science, 2018-2020

Transferred College of Western Idaho, Political Science, 2015-2019

Conference Papers and Conference Presentations

"Examining Causal Analysis within Conflict Studies: Challenging the Current Paradigm," January 2023, annual meeting, The Southern Political Science Association

“Examining The Foundational Paradigm of Causality,” November 2022, annual meeting, The Pacific Northwest Political Science Association.

"A Few Problems with the Quantitative Approach in Political Science." November 2021, annual meeting, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association. 

“Working Towards an Anarchistic Methodology within Political Science,” March 2021, annual meeting, Pi Sigma Alpha.

“Working Towards an Understanding of Neo fascism: Mixing Phenomenology and Political Science,” November 2020, annual meeting, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association.

“European Democracy in Decline; the Rise of Populism,” March 2020, annual meeting, Pi Sigma Alpha.

“European Democracy in Decline; the Rise of Populism,” November 2019, annual meeting, Pacific Northwest Political Science Association.


President of the Pi Sigma Alpha chapter at BSU, Xi Chi, 2020-2021

President of the student government known as ASCWI, the associated students of the College of

Western Idaho, 2018-2019

Senator within ASCWI 2016-2018

Treasurer of the former club government group known as UROC, united registered organizations

and clubs, at CWI, 2016

President and Founder of the Philosophy club at CWI, 2016-2017

President and Founder of the Gaming club at CWI, 2015-2016